Know best Hearing Aid Buying Guide

First we want to say…Congratulations! Why? Because by reading this guide you are taking the first step towards improving your hearing or the hearing of a loved one! By addressing your hearing needs you are improving your quality of life. Good communication is a necessity for developing and maintaining good relationships. If a hearing impairment is hindering your communication, then relationships can suffer.
If you suspect you or a loved one has a hearing loss or you are considering buying hearing aids, then you have come to the right place. Buying hearing aids for the first time can be a challenge.We have developed this guide to help you sort out all those questions you may have about purchasing hearing aids.
There are 8 Things to Know best Hearing Aid Buying Guide
1.We Hear with Two Ears
Just like it would be more difficult to see with one eye, it is more difficult to hear with one ear. Generally, if you have a hearing loss in both ears you should wear two hearing aids. Hearing with two hearing aids is called binaural amplification and is shown to improve speech understanding especially in noisy environments, better ability to locate where sounds are coming from, better sound quality, and less effort required for hearing.
2.Hearing Aids Do Not Restore Your Hearing to Normal
If you ever see someone that tells you that a particular hearing aid is perfect or will restore your hearing to normal then turn and run.Hearing aids are a great way to help you manage the negative effects of hearing loss but they are not a cure for hearing loss. As soon as you take the hearing aids off you will still have a hearing loss. However, waiting too long to start wearing hearing aids can have negative effects.

3.No Two People are Exactly the Same

Just because you know someone that has had a bad experience wearing hearing aids does not mean your experience is going to be bad

No two people are going to have the same experience

Their hearing loss is not the same as yours, the shape of their ears is not the same, and their manual dexterity may not be the same as yours.
There are several reasons why that person may not have been successful with their hearing aids. That does not mean that you will not be successful. The most important thing is that you give your Hearing Healthcare Professional the chance to improve your hearing and heed their recommendations.

4.What is Included in the Cost

Hearing aid pricing will vary depending on the style and technology chosen, anywhere from $1000-$3500 per hearing aid. Prices will also vary slightly depending on where you purchase them. This often times depends on what is included in the cost of the hearing aids.
Office visits may be included for the lifetime of the hearing aid, making the cost of the hearing aid seem higher compared to the provider who includes office visits for one-year after the initial fitting of the hearing aids and then charges a fee for each visit thereafter. This may mean in the long run you end up paying more even though you paid less up front.


5.Battery Life and Size

When choosing a hearing aid it is important to consider the batteries. The smaller the hearing aid, the smaller the battery will be and the more often it will need to be replaced. This can vary anywhere from between 3 days to 17 days.
If you are worried about having to change batteries too frequently then you may want to consider a hearing aid that takes a large battery. Your Hearing Healthcare Provider will let you know what size battery your hearing aid takes and where you can purchase them. Hearing aid batteries are typically sizes 10, 312, 13, and 675 .

6.Hearing Aid Warranties

There is a loss and damage warranty which includes complete replacement of the hearing aid after loss or irreparable damage. The warranty against loss and damage can be anywhere from 1 year to 3 years for each hearing aid depending on the manufacturer and level of hearing aid technology.
Included with the hearing aid is also a manufacturer’s repair warranty. If the hearing aid is not functioning properly and your Hearing Healthcare Professional is unable to repair the damages in the office, it will be sent back to the manufacturer for repair. Depending on the manufacturer and level of technology purchased, your repair warranty will be anywhere from 1 year to 4 years.


7.Know the Trial Period

Hearing aids should come with a trial period. This may also be called an adjustment period or adaptation period. This is a specified amount of time that your Hearing Healthcare Professional will give you to be able to return or exchange the hearing aids. This will usually vary from 30 days to 90 days.

It may take several weeks for you to adjust to using hearing aids so having a sufficient trial period is important to enable you enough time to decide whether you are benefiting from the hearing aids. If not, you should be given the option to return them.


8.Controlling Your Hearing Aids

Digital hearing aids are able to sample the environmental sounds and automatically adjust the sound within your comfort range. However, some people still feel the need to be able to manually control their hearing aids, either with a volume control, program button, or remote control.
The automatic feature of the hearing aids may not meet your needs in 100% of the environments that you are in, so having the ability to make adjustments on your own is a safety net. But, if you don’t want to worry about fiddling with your hearing aids every few minutes, then the automatic feature of the hearing aids may be enough for you.
I hope above guide-lines will help you to choose best hearing aids in India. For more you can also concern with hearing solution professional, they will guide you properly.


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